Atlantic Surfing Museum - Water Tips

Know Your Limitations

If you are concerned that the surf may be beyond your abilities, ask someone on a board nearby or on the beach to keep an eye on you. Most surfers are friendly, and everyone started at some time. At the least, they can check where you are from time to time. If you look "tuckered out," someone else can give you a helpful insight.

Be Prepared

Surfing is a very glamourous sport, but if you are unhappy with your swimming abilities, catch some laps in the pool or a calm part of the ocean first. Surfing is strenuous and leashes do break, usually when you least want them to. Figure out how you will swim in to shore if you need to. Remember, the white water will push you towards shore. Wetsuits are bouyant, and the white water is ideal for body surfing.

The fact that someone has a 1000 millimeter lens on the beach should not influence the chances you take. On any given day, there are bigger sets and smaller sets. One of the best ways to get your "surf legs" is to take off on one of the smaller waves. Once you have mastered that wave, you can look for the next bigger one, and so on and so on. Be sure to check that another surfer isn't preparing to take off behind you with same idea.

Observe, Plan, Then Take Off

Is this wave going to break left or right? Where are you in relation to the peak of this particular swell line? What does it look like "down the line?" If you drop in on this wave are there other surfers who may drop in on you before you can get full control of the board and your line? These are all split-second decisions, but it helps to make them on each wave.

Where are the other surfers? Is someone taking off behind (closer to the peak) than where you are? If so, give him or her room. Most surfers are willing to cut you some slack, but if you drop in repeatedly, the "beefs" will start. You can always ask (politely) if you could have the next wave. The worst someone could say is "No!" But even the most hardened "local" will usually give you your shot during a set.